Snakebranch Spruce | Barbara Leven Fine Art Photography, New York
Snakebranch Spruce6, 2015
Snakebranch Spruce, 2014
Snakebranch Spruce2, 2014
Snakebranch Spruce8, 2015
Snakebranch Spruce3, 2014
Snakebranch Spruce4, 2014
Snakebranch Spruce5, 2014
Snakebranch Spruce7, 2015
Barbara Leven Fine Art Photography, New York
Barbara E. Leven, is an award winning fine art photographer, based in New York City. Over the course of many years, she has focused on a variety of subjects within the urban landscape. In addition to macro images of botanica, zoo and farm animals, she has most recently experimented in the transformation of architectural details into abstract "geometric" forms.
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Snakebranch Spruce6, 2015
Snakebranch Spruce, 2014
Snakebranch Spruce2, 2014
Snakebranch Spruce8, 2015
Snakebranch Spruce3, 2014
Snakebranch Spruce4, 2014
Snakebranch Spruce5, 2014
Snakebranch Spruce7, 2015